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$3,000 RootOne Voucher

Our Israel Journey and experience are more accessible than ever! RootOne offers a $3,000 travel voucher for Jewish teens who travel to Israel with BBYO in the summer of 2022.

A limited number of $3,000  RootOne travel vouchers  are available. Applications will be prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis. 

To receive a RootOne voucher, families must select and register their teen. See voucher details and eligibility rules below. Following a successful registration, Me’ever will send the RootOne voucher application directly to families. You can expect an email with this information in late fall or early winter.



The Answers You Need

How Do I Apply For the Voucher

1- Register for the Israel Summer Journey
2- Completing the voucher application with RootOne
We will only send the RootOne voucher application directly to families after completing registration for the Israel Summer Journey.

Am I Eligible for the Voucher ?

Eligible voucher applicants are currently enrolled in 9th through 12th grade, are Jewish, and are citizens of the United States or Canada. Voucher eligibility is not connected to financial need or merit.

What are the obligations in return for the Grant ?

Voucher recipients must agree to take part in pre-and post-summer engagement programming (~8 hours total) and complete a post-program confidential survey. Non-fulfillment of these obligations and/or removal from the program due to a Code of Conduct violation will necessitate repayment of the $3,000 voucher.

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